Benefits Of Full Body Massage

Among all SPA-procedures, massage services are considered the most popular. Massage is a specific effect on the tissues and organs of a person with the help of pressure, grinding, tapping, kneading, vibration, and other mechanical processes. With every, even the lightest touch of an experienced massage therapist, your body feels better, younger.

Massage is one of the treatments that are pleasant and relatively painless. Even the slight pressure and tingling that are felt during the session are perceived differently.

The benefits of full body massage for the body are all-encompassing. It is rest and recovery for the whole body and a harmless effect on the body’s most vulnerable points – and sometimes, it can cure more than traditional medicine.

Even those who do not experience health problems are delighted with a relaxing massage. Massages happen on different body parts – back, arms, legs, shoulders, head, face, and so on. However, the end of this process is the same – restoration and relaxation for the whole organism.

These days, full-body massage is available in every home because full-body massage chairs can provide all those benefits to your home.

The difference between full body massage and other types

Full body massage is a mechanical effect on the body using a combination of special techniques – pressure, pats, rubbing, thanks to which there is a powerful effect on the skin, organs, and tissues of the body.

Classic massage is always done with hands. A distinctive feature is the massage of the whole body with almost the same duration if there are no contraindications.

The main goal of full body massage is an intense effect on the muscle frame, which is achieved by alternately contracting and relaxing the muscles. At the same time, skin, organs, blood and lymph flow, capillaries, blood vessels are exposed. That is why, with the right technique, massage can change the body’s work of organs and systems.

The main goal of full body massage is an intense effect on the muscle frame, which is achieved by alternately contracting and relaxing the muscles. At the same time, skin, organs, blood and lymph flow, capillaries, blood vessels are exposed. That is why, with the right technique, massage can change the body’s work of organs and systems.

Like most other types, full-body massage is performed in 10-15 sessions, allowing you to get the effect of the procedure thoroughly. The duration of one session is usually 1-1.5 hours. So massaging provides a surge of strength, lightness in the body, a feeling of tightness of the muscles and skin, and not lethargy and drowsiness, which is possible with a more extended session.

The duration of the sessions and their number is determined based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s health.

Indications for a full body massage:

  • headaches hurt of a constant or periodic nature;
  • overwork, depression, nervous stress;
  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • muscle pain
  • insomnia;
  • osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine of varying degrees;
  • Rehabilitation after injuries and fractures.

What is the benefit of full body massage?

Full body massage has great benefits for the body. This is a cycle of SPA-procedures, including massage of the arms, legs, feet, back, neck, face, head, chest, and back. It is aimed at the whole organism, and its effect should be expected to be complex. 

Stress is wholly removed from the body during this massage, and blood circulation is restored, metabolic processes improve, vigor and strength appear. In ordinary life, it is tough to relax during the massage completely. Every cell of the body rests on earning new energy later.

Full body massage is useful for almost all human organs and systems: after a good, professional session, the client feels they were born again! The benefits of full body massage for the body are multifaceted. Therefore it is indicated for healthy people and people who have health problems.

Benefits for the skin:

The primary effect of massage is on the skin: rubbing, stroking, kneading, of course, affect its condition. This is especially useful for people whose skin gradually loses elasticity, becomes dry and tight. The main physiological effects of massage on the skin are:

  • Cleansing of dead cells;
  • Stimulation of blood supply;
  • Improving the functioning of sebaceous and sweat secretion;
  • Skin saturation with oxygen;
  • Prevention and supportive treatment of cellulite, stretch marks, acne, varicose veins.

Benefits for the nervous system:

Stress is not just hard mental and physical work. The most common processes are associated with this phenomenon – rises in the morning, eating the wrong food, insufficient sleep, and fitness. The skin is associated with all nerve endings, and exposure to it has a corresponding effect. If we say what massage is useful for the nervous system, we should be mention these advantages. 

  • improved conduction of nerve endings;
  • sedation or agitation of the nervous system;
  • getting rid of pain and nervous tension.

Benefits for muscle massage

For those who regularly engage in fitness and those not associated with sports, massage is recommended to improve muscle elasticity. Full body massage relieves pain and tension – both after training and after sitting, monotonous work. The benefits of full body massage for women are its effect on muscle tone, contraction, and relaxation. There are many positive effects of massage on muscles, such as:

  • restoration of muscle performance after enhanced training;
  • improved joint mobility;
  • lactic acid excretion;
  • stimulation of blood flow to the muscles.

Benefits for blood vessels:

Is it helpful to massage with cardiovascular diseases? This question worries many customers who dream of a long-awaited relaxation. Hypertension, hypotension, stable angina, rehabilitation after myocardial infarction are many indications for massage.

Of course, before the session, you must always consult a doctor and then tell the massage therapist about your disease. Massage is very beneficial for blood vessels and has many advantages:

  • resorption of edema and a decrease in congestion in the body;
  • facilitating the work of the heart and the load on it;
  • the composition and quality of blood improve, hemoglobin and red blood cells increase (useful for anemia).

Benefits for subcutaneous tissue:

For weight loss, massage is also essential, like proper nutrition and exercise. It improves lymph circulation, reduces the manifestation of cellulite, promotes the burning of fat by removing it from tissues. A lift chair can give this benefit also for using massage therapy.

About Jessica Hyden

Jessica Hyden is a perfect Homie. Over the last 15 years she has lived in several states in the USA, allowing her to experience a diverse range of styles and ideas. She is a seasoned expert in creating comfortable and visually appealing spaces. Jessica is excited to share her expertise and insights with her audience at her blog SweetLivingRoom.

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